Steve Wynn feat. Rodrigo D'erasmo

Rockalvi Festival insieme a Main Out e Auditorium Novecento sono lieti di proporre per la rassegna "Live In Auditorium " una serata speciale con il ritorno a Napoli di Steve Wynn.
Per l'occasione il leader e fondatore dei The Dream Syndicate, sarà accompagnato dal nostro grande artista italiano Rodrigo D'Erasmo
Presentazione del nuovo disco "Make It Right" (Fire Records) e dell'autobiografia "I Wouldn’t Say It if It Wasn’t True" (Jimenez Ed.)
STEVE WYNN feat. Rodrigo D'Erasmo LIVE
Mar 8 aprile 2025
Auditorium Novecento
Via Enrico De Marinis N. 4 Napoli
ore 21:30
Ticket :
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Steve Wynn, leader and founder of the Dream Syndicate, will be touring the UK this September in support of I Wouldn’t Say It If It Wasn’t True, his debut book, a memoir for Jawbone Press as well as “Make It Right,” his first solo album since 2010, to be released on Fire Records. Both the book and new record will come out on August 30, just a few weeks ahead of the tour.
The book details the winding path from growing up a music fan and pre-teen bandleader in Los Angeles through the formation and ultimate dissolution of the Dream Syndicate at the end of their first era in 1988. There are stops along the way for tales of cross-country greyhound trips to track down Alex Chilton to wild, off-the-rails tours with U2 and R.E.M. and the epic heart-of-darkness making of the band’s controversial second album Medicine Show and plenty more. The album is a similarly reflective and intimately revealing collection, written and recorded in tandem with the writing of I Wouldn’t Say It If It Wasn’t True.
Wynn promises a one-man show blending songs from and inspired by the book along with a narrative structure of readings from the book and storytelling, adjunctly extrapolated from those passages. Fans can expect a selection of evergreens and rarities from the Dream Syndicate’s 80’s catalogue along with illuminating covers and reflective numbers from the new album as well, all adding up to one tall tale of a past revisited. Steve says, “I don’t see this show as a stodgy reading or as a random selection of songs but rather a tiny play of sorts, a way of giving a flesh and blood companion to the book. I’m looking for that magic place where, say, Lenny Bruce and Spaulding Grey and Ray Davies and Bob Dylan and maybe Hedwig might meet in a dimly lit cabernet on the back streets of Hollywood. I’ve never done this kind of show before but if I can hit all those markers, I’ll be happy.”
Steve Wynn will be selling and signing copies of I Wouldn’t Say It If It Wasn’t True (book) and “Make It Right” (CD/LP) after every show.
Durante la serata sarà possibile acquistare la compilation targata Rockalvi Festival " Music For The Music - A LoveTrip of Rockalvi Festival 2008/2021" nata secondo il progetto " Musica per la Musica " dell'associazione Camilla la Stella che Brilla Onlus a sostegno della Musica .
La serata ha lo spirito del Rockalvi Festival e quindi sostiene la Camilla la Stella che Brilla Onlus per tutti i bambini affetti da malattie rare
Chiediamo di destinare il 5 per mille all'associazione con un piccolo gesto non gravante sulla vostra economia , sostenete la nostra causa, comunicate a chi compila la vostra dichiarazione dei redditi i seguenti dati : Camilla la Stella che Brilla Onlus
Codice Fiscale n. 95102320637
Rockalvi Festival insieme a Main Out e Auditorium Novecento sono lieti di proporre per la rassegna "Live In Auditorium " una serata speciale con il ritorno a Napoli di Steve Wynn.
Per l'occasione il leader e fondatore dei The Dream Syndicate, sarà accompagnato dal nostro grande artista italiano Rodrigo D'Erasmo
Presentazione del nuovo disco "Make It Right" (Fire Records) e dell'autobiografia "I Wouldn’t Say It if It Wasn’t True" (Jimenez Ed.)
STEVE WYNN feat. Rodrigo D'Erasmo LIVE
Mar 8 aprile 2025
Auditorium Novecento
Via Enrico De Marinis N. 4 Napoli
ore 21:30
Ticket :
Per info e prenotazione scrivere a :
Steve Wynn, leader and founder of the Dream Syndicate, will be touring the UK this September in support of I Wouldn’t Say It If It Wasn’t True, his debut book, a memoir for Jawbone Press as well as “Make It Right,” his first solo album since 2010, to be released on Fire Records. Both the book and new record will come out on August 30, just a few weeks ahead of the tour.
The book details the winding path from growing up a music fan and pre-teen bandleader in Los Angeles through the formation and ultimate dissolution of the Dream Syndicate at the end of their first era in 1988. There are stops along the way for tales of cross-country greyhound trips to track down Alex Chilton to wild, off-the-rails tours with U2 and R.E.M. and the epic heart-of-darkness making of the band’s controversial second album Medicine Show and plenty more. The album is a similarly reflective and intimately revealing collection, written and recorded in tandem with the writing of I Wouldn’t Say It If It Wasn’t True.
Wynn promises a one-man show blending songs from and inspired by the book along with a narrative structure of readings from the book and storytelling, adjunctly extrapolated from those passages. Fans can expect a selection of evergreens and rarities from the Dream Syndicate’s 80’s catalogue along with illuminating covers and reflective numbers from the new album as well, all adding up to one tall tale of a past revisited. Steve says, “I don’t see this show as a stodgy reading or as a random selection of songs but rather a tiny play of sorts, a way of giving a flesh and blood companion to the book. I’m looking for that magic place where, say, Lenny Bruce and Spaulding Grey and Ray Davies and Bob Dylan and maybe Hedwig might meet in a dimly lit cabernet on the back streets of Hollywood. I’ve never done this kind of show before but if I can hit all those markers, I’ll be happy.”
Steve Wynn will be selling and signing copies of I Wouldn’t Say It If It Wasn’t True (book) and “Make It Right” (CD/LP) after every show.
Durante la serata sarà possibile acquistare la compilation targata Rockalvi Festival " Music For The Music - A LoveTrip of Rockalvi Festival 2008/2021" nata secondo il progetto " Musica per la Musica " dell'associazione Camilla la Stella che Brilla Onlus a sostegno della Musica .
La serata ha lo spirito del Rockalvi Festival e quindi sostiene la Camilla la Stella che Brilla Onlus per tutti i bambini affetti da malattie rare
Chiediamo di destinare il 5 per mille all'associazione con un piccolo gesto non gravante sulla vostra economia , sostenete la nostra causa, comunicate a chi compila la vostra dichiarazione dei redditi i seguenti dati : Camilla la Stella che Brilla Onlus
Codice Fiscale n. 95102320637